The scripts work by having 2 copies of the rc.xml config file and a symbolic link. The rc-master.xml is the full rc.xml as you'd normally use, the rc-no-keys.xml is the same with all of the keyboard section stripped out. The change-rc script switches the sym-link between the two and status-rc uses the sym-link state to create the pipe-menu. The regen-no-keys script is in python and is hooked up to that "Regen NoKey" in the menu generated by status-rc. It will re-create the rc-no-keys.xml from the rc-master.xml. So you can just edit the rc-master.xml when you want to change the config and run it to recreate the other. The snippet-menu_xml file contains the small chunk from my menu.xml file that hooks the scripts into the menu. Its a straight-forward use of a pipe-menu. To sum up... 1. cd to your ~/.config/openbox directory 2. download change-rc, status-rc and regen-no-keys into this directory 3. edit your menu.xml file to add something like in the snippet 4. reconfigure or restart openbox 5. enjoy