Concerning release: 33
Subject: Bug
Title: In connection with arg_C
initial message posted by Knut Virow on 2000/03/17 21:42:42
#in debug level 2 (linux vers 33)
function fc2 s -> c
arg Char s ; arg_C Char c
c:= s
gvar Char c:="B"
console fc2:c eol
#results in
#exception 11
#processor stack content is:
#. len (Str) +4
#compile_text (List Module) +233
#pliant_load_module (Str Module Int Module) +940
#pliant internal startup function +2578
function fc2 s -> c
arg Char s ; arg_C Char c
c:= s # line 11
console fc2:"A" eol # line 12
#leads to
#pliant internal bug: unsatisfied assertion
#assertion is current!=null && current!=G.null_constant
#in file /pliant/pliant/install/../language/type/set/list.c at line 162
# compile file:Func2.pli (internals) 12 1
# [...]
Sorry for being not more specific. I found only this: Seems to be
connected with arg_C (tested also arg but not the other arg_XXX)
Is there any difference between "debug level 2" and "debug level n" n>2?
Thank you
Knut Virow
answer posted by Patrice Ossona de Mendez on 2000/03/17 21:56:59
arg_C means that the result is a mapped constant, this means the result is
passed through a pointer.
So, you should do something like
module "/pliant/language/unsafe.pli" # for pointers
function fc2 s -> c
arg Char s ; arg_C Char c
c:> s # c maps to s
Actually, c:=s would mean a copy from s to the Char mapped by c
(none, at the moment)
this way, you can write:
gvar Char x := "B"
fc2:x := "A"
console fc2:x eol # -> writes "A"
answer posted by Knut Virow on 2000/03/20 14:17:05
...mmm. I see. Nevertheless somthing like this is legal, or?
module "/pliant/language/unsafe.pli" # for pointers
function fc2 cin -> cout
arg Char cin ; arg_C Char cout
cout:= "A" # change the pointed char to A #com1
cout:> cin # point now to cin #com2
cout:= "B" # change the new pointed char to B #com3
gvar Char x:= "X"
gvar Char y:= "Y"
y:= fc2:x
console x eol # -> writes "B"
console y eol # -> writes "B" too
# I assume: The call "y:= fc2:x" does
1) y:="A" in com1
2) x:="B" in com3 and
3) y:=x on the return from fc2
Please comment this.
answer posted by Hubert Tonneau on 2000/03/20 15:10:57
> function fc2 cin -> cout
> arg Char cin ; arg_C Char cout
> cout:= "A" # change the pointed char to A #com1
This is absolutely not valid: When you enter the function, 'cout' is not
defined, so is pointing to anywhere in the memory. As a result, the
first instruction in your function is poking a random byte in the memory.
'arg arg_R Char cout' means that the function will return a pointer to
a character. The pointed object will be read only
for the caller.
'arg arg_RW Char cout' means that the function will return a pointer to
a character. The pointed object will be read write
for the caller.
The is basicaly the same as 'arg Pointer:Char cout'
where the caller would not be allowed to change
the pointer received on return.
'arg arg_C Char cout' If the caller add read write access to the first
argument, then it will also have read write access
to the pointed object returned, and if not, then
it will have read only. So this is equivalent
to 'arg_R' or 'arg_RW' depending on the caller
access rights on the first argument.
This should be used for functions that return a
pointer to a part of the first argument (such a
function can be a function that returns a pointer
to a given field in a structure). If the caller
had read write access to the all object, then it
is consistent to provide it read write access on
the subpart pointed on return.
What you have to do when a function result is declared as 'arg_R' 'arg_RW'
or 'arg_C' is first set the pointer to something valid.
Now if you want your function to return a value, then just use 'arg' for
the result.
You are probably mistaken by your C++ knowledge: the Pliant way to pass
arguments is very different from C++ (mainly because we never want objects
to be copyed on return).
answer posted by Patrice Ossona de Mendez on 2000/03/20 18:01:50
Actually, it is not so far from C++ !
Something like
function titi a -> b
arg Int a; arg_C Int b
is something like the COUPLE of C++ functions :
int & titi(int & a);
const int & titi (int a);
with the restriction that there is no implicit cast like int -> const int &
Hence, in C++, you would have written something like
return *p; // where p is some pointer to some int
The same way, in pliant, you should write something like
b :> x # where x is some persistent Int