if exists("did_pager") | finish | endif let did_pager = 1 set cmdheight=1 set scrolloff=0 let $PAGER='' " turn on AnsiEsc "AnsiEsc "set nowrap " pager, not editor au VimEnter * set nomod set nomodifiable " disables trailing whitespace highlighting in pager "call matchdelete(trailingHL) " no swap needed set noswapfile " generic serching set ignorecase set hlsearch set incsearch set wrapscan nohlsearch "set nolist set laststatus=0 " Don't remember file names and positions " viminfo file set in script via -i param as macro is run after it is already " read from default location (setting here writes but doesn't read) set viminfo='10,<50 " Inhibit screen updates while searching set lazyredraw " When reading from stdin don't consider the file modified. au VimEnter * set nomod noremap e :! vim % " Scroll one line up/down noremap k noremap j " backspace scrolls up one line - mutt habit noremap " Scroll one page forward noremap